Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Little things that make me happy. I'm in a local hardware shop buying some household item or other. A man walks in, sees me, comes over and embraces me enthusiastically, kisses me on both cheeks 'Ciao bella! Come stai?' he says. 'Bene, e tu? ' I reply while embracing him and kissing both his cheeks. Who is he? For a moment I'm not sure because he has a heavy winter coat on. But then I recognise him: he's the owner of a little Italian restaurant round the corner where I occasionally go with friends. I don't really know him but he always embraces me and I embrace him back. For some reason this sort of thing happens to me quite often. I'm warmly embraced by men I don't really know who happen to be café or shop managers and I respond in the same way. Why not? It makes me feel irresistible. Even if it's only because I'm small and old and smile at people.

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