Monday, August 26, 2019


Post nine oh
Where do I stand?
On right hip gone wrong
On right leg in feeble protest?
Neon-blue stick
Is in the post
Your order can no longer
be changed.

Ah yes, your order!
That is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler
In the mind
To stand and struggle
Or to sit and watch teevee
Until the cows
The blind cows
Come home?

Nothing like a good cliché
To distract you
From the point
My point
This Monday morning
This freefrom carnival morning
Was where do I stand
After the big nine oh?

The answer my friends
The only proper answer
To a rhetorical question is

1 comment:

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Tom, I've turned on the "monitoring comments" option because I was getting a lot of spam but I sometimes forget to check if there are any comments to a post, (there rarely are!) They must be okayed before publication. It's a nuisance buthow else to deal with spam.

"Beh" is not rude, it's a populat shrug-of-shoulders expression. I thought everybody knew this! Thanks for being here. xx