Monday, December 04, 2006


Finished finished finished at last - the colour and black & white versions of all images for the God Interviews book. Now I just have to add some text at beginning and end, design the cover then upload the whole shebang to Apparently the holiday deadline for shipping books to the UK is December 8 - can I do it in four days?? Maybe and maybe not. Below is the (almost) final title page. This is not the cover. What do you think?

And tomorrow night, just in case anyone has forgotten, is my BBC televison appearance - heh heh heh heh heh. It's about time the media took some interest in me. I've been around the block so many times I can't recognise the blocks on the block. If you're in the UK don't miss "Imagine" on BBC1 at 10:35pm. If you're anywhere else, wait for it to be uploaded on the net.

(the rest is on my main blog, Blaugustine).

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