Sunday, January 08, 2023



Harry admits he and the other Royals are just like everybody else!

They are not Superhumans!

They behave very very badly sometimes!

Quite often!

They have family fights!

They... they...they...are just ordinary rich people in a palace!

Harry says all this in public! On television! In a book!

The Palace has not commented.

Draw your own conclusions.

Bravo Harry! And Meghan too. Whistleblowers are always maligned, especially when their whistling is blowing holes in the sacrosanct walls of powerful institutions.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Monday, January 02, 2023


A spirit-boosting visit yesterday from my sparkling friend Steven Appleby cartoonist par-excellence. I painted his portrait in 2019 then pandemic etc. intervened. But meanwhile DRAGMAN, his sincerely terrific graphic novel, was published and has been attracting success like a magnet, deservedly, because it combines a wicked sense of humour and touching self-analysis within an inventive, multi-dimensional plot featuring endearing characters drawn with apparently effortless ease and delectable colour. I love my copy of this book even more now that Steven spontaneously decorated its front page just for me! Great start to the New Year and I'm feeling encouraged to go full puff-puffing steam ahead with my graphic novel Double Entendre Go go Eilatan!

I just realised that I probably should have written 'she' instead of 'he' when speaking of Steven. But you know what? Steven doesn't go by the rules and neither do I.

My portrait of Steven Appleby,2019