Monday, October 17, 2022


Today my sister, Anne d'Arbeloff Guerrieri, died peacefully in her sleep at home in Rome aged 97. There is too much to say about her. It's all going round in my mind now, some of it is online in my unfinished autobio, some of it other people have written.

I just want to sit for a while in silence where one question only is written in huge neon letters on cosmic walls:


I don't want to hear all the answers that already exist, whether they are religious, anti-religious, humanist, new age, old age, spiritualist, philosophical, scientific, devil-may-care, devil-may-not-care, or WHATEVER. I just want to stare at the question. Meanwhile here are some photos of Annie. These are for her wherever she is, my amazing, unique, irreplaceable, impossible, infuriating, exasperating, unforgettable sister, with eternal love.

The first photo -left to right: our mother Blanche, Annie, me - was taken in 1986. In April that year, her husband Gerardo Guerrieri drowned himself in the Tevere river in Rome.


Anonymous said...

Dear Natalie, I’m quite new to your inspiring blog and I’ve read back quite a bit.It must be so hard to lose your sister. I am thinking of you. Love, Angie.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Thank you Neena and thank you Anonymous. Your comments and your presence here are much appreciated.

I also post regularly on Facebook, more often than here, because there is more feedback over there. You're welcome to visit me there if you wish, here's the link:

Very best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I will have a look. I’m not on FB a great deal as I took it off my phone. I came across your blog after finding one of your books about design. It seemed a real treasure trove to come across your blogs. I’ve read your recent blogs - very thought provoking.I blog a bit on Wordpress. Angiekw01 aka salty pinches. Only mentioning as a gesture of shariing. Best wishes, Angie (anonymous).