Saturday, February 26, 2022


There is one way, other than money sanctions and troops on the ground, to stop Putin's megalomanic insanity from growing any further. This would be if his own army stops, wakes up and says NO NO NO! We're not doing this anymore. We're not going to kill our people and kill ourselves to satisfy this man's obsession, we're not going to start a world war to satisfy him.

What could he do against such a coup, such unanimous military resistance? If all his soldiers in Ukraine lay down their weapons and his pilots refuse to fly and the tanks stand still? And all the generals and commanders defy his orders? No doubt many of those now advancing into Ukraine are asking themselves why. The Russian people don't want this war, the Ukrainians don't want it, most of the world doesn't want it. Putin can stop anti-war protestors in the streets of Russia, throw them all in jail or shoot them, but how could he stop his entire army from refusing to take his orders?

How to make them see that, en masse, they CAN DISOBEY? Putin doesn't care about economic sanctions, he's prepared for that well in advance, for sure. And if Nato troops are pushed to act, he'll have his insane finger on the nuclear button.

I keep on believing that mass disobedience..the word MASS is crucial..can be the tool to resolve specific crises such as the current one. Supposing the whole of the Russian military simply refuse to carry out their orders, what could Putin do about it? He can't kill them all because he would no longer have an army and it would take too long to build up a new one. What is needed is a powerful, radical psychological movement which gives confidence to huge numbers of individuals who are used by governments to carry out their plans, confidence that they can refuse those plans. It has to be more than flower-power etc. The most sophisticated weaponry still needs humans to activate it. The most powerful leaders in the world still need human beings gathered together as armies to do their bidding.


Hendrix said...

This is like a Greek tragedy, driven by inbuilt contradictions. Just as a self-sacrificing instinct prevents a mother killing her child, so mankind is self-sacrificing when forced to defend itself from external attack. Thus the Russians sacrificed their lives against by the psychopath Napoleon’s army. They did exactly the same against the psychopath Hitler’s army.
Since Ukraine was accepted into the EU it’s been a European country, though its people are ethnic Russians. They too are prepared to sacrifice their own lives against the psychopath Putin’s army.
The only way to defeat a psychopath is by force, economic or violent. Which is exactly what’s been openly happening, via diplomacy, until now, when negotiation has ended.
Which leaves only one way to end the war in Ukraine: kill Putin. He has poisons to kill dissidents. Via NATO, we have smart bombs. Wait and see!

Hendrix said...

Profound apologies. You had it absolutely right, every word. The world is united with sympathy for their ghastly plight. Exiled Ukrainians are helping their countrymen in every way they can. Poland and Crimea have followed suit. Russian protesters have been jailed or worse, which can only inspire their fellow Russians across the land. And this: "Ukraine Conflict: Russia launches coordinated cruise missiles on many cities".

The only thing I said right was to call him a psychopath.