Richard asked me to write a follow-up article for the next print edition of Painted,spoken and Number 34 is now out. I invite you join me in admiration of this idiosyncratic, quiet and uniquely different publication in which I am chuffed (delighted, thrilled) to see the article My Life will eventually be in your hands. Because I’m vain and always hungry for immediate feedback I’ve scanned the whole article below. Erm...just noticed that the scan isn't quite readable unless you have laser-sharp vision. Never mind, you can have a free copy of the magazine and there's other good stuff in it besides me. What more do you want?
You can receive a copy of the magazine Painted, spoken for free. Just send a stamped A5 SAE to:
Painted, spoken, 23 Magnus Heights, Hampden Road, Hornsey, London N8 0EL