Wednesday, August 07, 2019


Big birth day today. Since I publicly confessed back in January the actual number of years I've been on this planet, no need to mention THAT number again, right?

Okay I will mention it again. Here's the full shocking confession, published in the Guardian in January. Ignore the photo, I look better than that in person.


Tom said...

I am lost for words, dear friend. So happy that you have been around for all those years. The world would have been the poorer without you.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Thank you Tom and much love to you and Lucy.

Vincent said...

Wow, most persons would be proud enough to reach your age simply firing on all cylinders, never mind having producing such a body of work, never mind still doing it.
Shall I compare thee to Michelangelo? He only made it to 88, but they didn’t have benefit of our health care in those days. He went on working till 6 days before his death, chipping away at the <a href=” Pietà” for 12 years.
Many happy returns, o international treasure!

Deanna said...

I appreciate that you would draw our attention to a label, even though you have and do live without any sort of stereotype. We need to be reminded, so I include a quote from that article. It resonates perfectly with my own credo. Thank you and sail on Nd'A!

"We are all different, from the moment we are born until the moment we die, and the eighth or 80th – or any other – year of my life was not the same as yours. Identity is fluid enough to be exempt from categorisation, so why should people who have accumulated a large quantity of years be perceived as having uniform characteristics? Individuality does not drop off automatically, like old skin, when we reach a certain number."

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Many thanks Vincent, I really appreciate your comment and your response to my work.
Me and Mikey Angelo, we were buddies. Unfortunately he got the credit but in fact it was me wot did most of the work.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Deanna, not sure what label you mean but thanks for commenting and for quoting me! Best wishes.

Catalyst said...

Never again will I complain about my age, dear Natalie. You are truly a treasure and I look forward to sending you greetings once again 10 years from today.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Thank you Bruce and I want to hear you sing along with me Edith Piaf's famous JE NO REGRETTE RIEN, like I sang it at my party instead of that silly Happy Birthday song. Are you ready?