Saturday, December 23, 2017


New floor finished, visible sawdust hoovered, invisible sawdust probably hiding in lungs, but look how lovely everything is.

At the oriental carpet shop around the corner where I got my new rug the man explained that this design represents paradise. Paradise! As described in Genesis - it's all there, four corners and everything. Too wondrous for words, my humble home is paradise. The green house plant is my Christmas tree, decorated with offcuts of gold 3-D paper which gleams brightly and when you get up close, reflects your face like a miniature Dutch painting. 

The plant, named Reju (long story) has been with me since babyhood - the plant's babyhood, not mine - and would grow through the ceiling if allowed. It has personality and while it doesn't respond when I apologise for cutting bits off, it is obviously very happy with me.

My Christmas will be solo and if you intend to go Awwww in that so-sorry-for-you way, please don't! The absolute truth is that I really love it this way. I am by nature and inclination a soloist and actually have fun on my own. Yes I do enjoy good company and all its joys but have long outgrown the obsession - it was an obsession at one time - with partnership and other variants on that situation. Been there done that. I love the family and friends that fate has kindly given me and am happy to be with them when that occurs. But it's not a need. There's so much stuff to do, to play with, when I'm on my own.

A toast to you all, alone or in company, and may life always amaze you.


Catalyst said...

Have yourself a very merry Christmas, Natalie.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Same to you and your family, Bruce.

Tom said...

I love the way the painting above the fireplace could, if moved through the appropriate planes, be a strange reflection of your living room table.

Well dear friend, you won't quite be on your own over Christmas [or any other time]. There'll be thoughts a-plenty winging your way.

Much love, Tom, Lucy and Elfie. xxx

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Tom, that's exactly what that painting (2008) was: a sort of cubist-ish reflection of that table with a few apples arranged on it. I made a video of the progress of that painting (title: Sonata for Apples and Chairs). Here's a link to it:

Thank you very much for your lovely comment and more love to the three of you. xxx

Davoh said...

Sofa - so good? Sheesh, have found; from the local "waste transfer Station"; found and discarded three 'sofa's' so far.

Meh. Wish ing you all the best - for this - and many years to come.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Happy 2018 Davoh. With some tools, imagination and a length of fabric you could resurrect one of those abandoned sofas!