Thursday, December 08, 2016


Funny thing about selfies. They're everywhere. Why are we so fascinated by our reflection? Narcissus?

 For me, it's like those identity parades where a presumed witness is asked to point out the presumed guilty person. I'm trying to find out if I'm the same person I think I am. Which means, I suppose, the one I WAS. When? Yesterday? 20 years ago? Or much much further back? Am I guilty of nostalgia? Choosing a time when I was "really" me, as opposed to the more-or-less me whose selfie you're now seeing? It's a puzzle.

I used to paint a self-portrait nearly every year - much better kind of selfie, commonly practiced by the A-list (just noticed that A-list sound like Elites - ha!) of artists through the centuries.

That's about all I have to say on this subject for now. What do you think, if anything, about photos of yourself, taken by you or anyone else?


Unknown said...

Why are we so fascinated with our reflection? Because it never shows the egg that is us?

Catalyst said...

I'm always fascinated by your raised eyebrows, indicating an inquisitive nature, I think.

Should Fish More said...

I have pictures of myself going back 70 years, to an infant. To the teen and 20's me I just laugh and snicker 'you had no idea, kid. none".

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Leah, an egg? You mean the hidden potential? But do you really see yourself egg...when you look at a photo of yourself? Explain a bit more?

Bruce, I often do raise my eyebrows in photos..not consciously..but yup, I'm inquisitive. I hope in a good way.

Mike, it's so much fun looking at one's whole life in photos and, yes, talking to one's self in retrospect too. Family albums always fascinate me, my own as well as anyone else's.

Davoh said...

Um, am i allowed to mention that you look beautiful .... in a crumpled sort of way?

Unknown said...

Form is like an unwrapped Christmas present. One has to untie the tie and knot before one can see the true meaning of form. Then one can make a call to tie won. ;

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Davoh, of course compliments are allowed!. Crumpled...heh heh....yup!

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Leah, very poetic! Tie won = Taiwan?