Friday, September 16, 2016


New pableau in the making. Sometimes I find ready-made boxes but I'm building this bigger one from scratch using what materials are on hand - an old stretcher for the frame, odds and ends of wood, hardboard and balsa for the sides. Lots of cutting, gluing and sanding. Solid but not fancy.


Vincent said...

I find myself heartened and inspired by this series & hope you'll go on doing them indefinitely, as they work on so many levels, use so many skills, and provide a (mainly) non-verbal memoir or testament, eloquent & reaching out, and appreciate that you share the process with your readers, as it were throwing wide the doors of your studio.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Thank you very much, Vincent. It means a lot to me to hear that this recent path I've embarked is appreciated. I've made many box-works (if I can call them that) in the past, but these seem to be taking on a different life of their own. I have no idea how one is going to turn out or quite what it's about until I'm in the midst of making it.

Davoh said...

Irrelevant comment .. but yep, the link has been changed (am not dead yet)

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Hi Davoh, thanks. I've just checked the link to "Natalie" on your Wombat sidebar and it still goes to that Google page, instead of to right here: this here Blogger page, whose link is:

Don't know if the Googly thing has now taken over. Anyway it doessn't really matter but I'm just bringing up as a technical blip. Thanks for your visits, however you get here.

Davoh said...

working on it - yer "capcha" is a pain ..

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Oh. Didn't know I have a captcha. What captcha?
You just copy the above link and paste it in the link box , over the "Natalie" But you know this already. Thanks for the effort!